120 capsules : |
Formulé avec juste les bonnes quantités d'ingrédients thermogéniques dont votre corps a besoin pour augmenter la chaleur.
Lorsque la thermogenèse est activée, la température interne de votre corps commencera à brûler plus de calories et vous aidera à vous débarrasser des excès de cellules graisseuses en les transformant en énergie.
I never thought I'd say this about a supplement, but hot stuff has me feeling the burn, in a good way hahaha
the name really suits the product. I have been burning calories like crazy!
I got two for my boyfriend and I. we've been using it for some time now and we are liking it
I've been sweating like crazy and feeling more energetic.
I'm beyond thrilled with the results. My calorie burn is off the charts, and I've got energy to spare
not sure yet, but I can say I noticed some minor differences
i've tried couple of their other products also. hot stuff lives up to their quality standards. like all their products
unbelievable!!! this is really making my gym sessions feel more rewarding.