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High Whey™ est une formule protéinée qui satisfera tous vos besoins en protéines ! Les protéines jouent un rôle clé dans toute alimentation équilibrée en contribuant au maintien des fonctions du système immunitaire et de la masse musculaire maigre. High Whey™ est fabriqué exclusivement à partir d'ingrédients de qualité soigneusement sélectionnés pour garantir que vous n'obtenez que le meilleur de chaque pot !
Saveur de tarte au citron meringuée High Whey Tableau de la valeur nutritive présenté ci-dessus. Les valeurs nutritionnelles peuvent varier légèrement pour les autres saveurs.
Mélange de protéines de lactosérum (concentré de protéines de lactosérum obtenu à partir d'un procédé de microfiltration à flux croisés, isolat de protéines de lactosérum), protéines de lait, cacao (certains arômes), enzymes digestives (protéases, bromélaïne, lactase), arômes naturels, gomme de guar, stévia, sucralose.
Ingrédients du lait (lactosérum) et du soja (lécithine).
Chaque cuillère de High Whey™ contient 25 grammes de protéines hautement biodisponibles afin de fournir une source pratique de protéines entre les repas ou après une séance d'entraînement intense.
Mélangez 1 grosse cuillère de High Whey™ avec 200 ml d'eau froide ou votre boisson préférée. Utilisez un shaker pour de meilleurs résultats.
Revolution Nutrition™ a acquis une solide réputation en tant que suppléments sportifs les plus savoureux sur le marché aujourd'hui. Nous prenons toujours le temps et les efforts nécessaires pour créer des saveurs qui sont tout simplement incomparables afin que chacun de nos consommateurs soit toujours satisfait à 100 %.
Received my order today- choc cream egg (which I love) & Maple Syrup Donut. Hadn't tried it b4. Omg sooo good! I am mildly lactose intolerant & these don't bother me in the least like other brands do. WTG Revolution Nutrition!
I bought the strawberry shortcake & chocolate banana and I can tell that they are one of the best ones I've ever tried.
I'm a fan of these proteins. Congrats, the flavours are very good!
Great product, taste & price, I received both shipments quickly. I don't use a shaker bottle; it mixes well with water after stirring for 15 to 20 seconds. The birthday cake is somewhat chalkier than the chocolate cake, excited to try out more flavors.
I've purchased many protein brands before and the Revolution brand so far is the best one in taste and flavor, no milk needed and it dissolve completely unlike others that you feel that sandy texture! Great product for an amazing price!!
This company can't miss! They initially got me with the PB Cup flavor, it was ok, but the Chocolate cake was out of this world good! Today I received Chocolate Cream Egg, which might actually be better than the cake, but it's too soon to say. Lastly, I've been really turned off of Vanilla flavors, because the last company was pretty bad. But even the Vanilla Cake is delicious! I'm never buying protein anywhere else. Now, if they could bring out a Fruit Loops flavor...
I had to wait 8 days to receive product however after it came in I was very happy with the consistency of the powder. It is not chalky but very fluffy and fine powder. I got the chocolate cake because I was looking for a traditional flavor but they did not have just chocolate or vanilla. Which I was looking for because I blend with fruit and the other flavors just would not taste right. The shake I’m making with chocolate cake flavor was not too sweet and in my opinion perfect. Only had it 1 day so have no idea how the protein will affect my workouts. If you want to buy from these guys give yourself at least 8 days to receive the product because it comes from Canada. Maybe that’s why it’s so good. I wouldn’t pay more than 49.99 for it because of the wait. I’d just go get some whey isolate which this is not just whey. It has some soy in it. Not happy about that. All around a good protein for the price
So far I've tried 3 flavors, peanut butter cup, chocolate banana cream pie, and maple syrup doughnut. I have mixed some with coffee and milk and the cream pie with just cold coffee. They all mix well with either so far. The cream pie has the most noticeable and delicious flavor. The maple syrup doughnut definitely went well with coffee. And I always love peanut butter. I usually do a double serving in the morning and unless I'm really bored that will keep me until lunch. Then a protein bar as I'm finishing up the shake for lunchm