Elevate your mornings with our Berry Blast Protein Parfait—a colorful and nutrient-packed delight that's as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Berry Blast Protein Parfait Recipe

Elevate your mornings with our Berry Blast Protein Parfait—a tempting and nutrient-packed delight that's as visually appealing as delicious. Whether you're dashing out the door or taking a mindful moment to relish your breakfast, this recipe is the ultimate way to nourish yourself and embrace the day ahead.



1 cup plain yogurt

1 scoop High Whey Vanilla Cake protein powder

Mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)






  1. In a bowl, mix 1 cup of plain yogurt with a scoop of High Whey Vanilla Cake protein powder until well combined, creating a protein-rich and creamy base.
  2. Begin layering the bottom of a glass or jar with a generous spoonful of the protein-packed yogurt mixture.
  3. Add a handful of mixed berries—juicy strawberries, plump blueberries, and vibrant raspberries—creating a burst of flavors and textures.
  4. Sprinkle a layer of granola over the berries, adding a delightful crunch and wholesome goodness.
  5. Repeat the layers until your parfait is brimming with colorful and delectable goodness.
  6. Top your Berry Blast Protein Parfait with a final flourish of mixed berries and a sprinkle of granola, creating a feast for both your eyes and taste buds.


This exquisite parfait is not just a treat for your senses, but a nourishing way to start your day. Embrace the beauty of health, flavor, and protein power, and savor each spoonful of this vibrant creation.